Sponsor Spotlight: Pantheon

One indicator of how committed a company is to their customer base is the level of management that gets out amongst that customer base. If the highest you ever see is a middle manager of a department, perhaps there’s not a lot of commitment there.

One of the first people I ever met from Pantheon was Josh Koenig, a Co-Founder of the company. He quite regularly goes to WordCamps, and he meets and knows people in the WordPress community. He doesn’t go alone either. Pantheon regularly sends several people to a given conference.

This year when I approached Pantheon about WordCamp sponsorship it was pretty late in the season, and they weren’t sure if they could get someone to come. As it turns out, Steve Persch from Pantheon will be here and speaking to boot! Pantheon put a fair amount of time into figuring out how to get someone to our WordCamp, in addition to Sponsoring, and that kind of commitment is much appreciated.

WordCamp Grand Rapids 2017 is over. Check out the next edition!